How Long Does A Loft Conversion Take?

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What is the duration of a loft conversion project? What are the stages involved and the timeframe for each stage? Find out in this article!

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A loft conversion is an excellent way to improve your home and take advantage of the extra space. Although it is an exciting project for many homeowners, most fail to complete it on time because they don’t plan the project. 

So, how long does a loft conversion take? It is a common question asked by many homeowners in the UK. The purpose is to understand the project requirements and ensure everything goes smoothly and timely. 

The quick answer to this question is: a loft conversion project duration depends on the design, size, and shape of the conversion, the type of work involved, and things you want to add to the extra space. However, the average time for a loft conversion project is between four to eight weeks. 

Stages of a Loft Conversion Project

A loft conversion project has three primary stages: design, planning, and building. Each stage has its own timeline, depending on your requirements. Let us now discuss these three stages. Continue reading! 

– Design 


The design is a crucial stage that allows you to create a blueprint for your loft conversion project. It requires you to hire a design team, including an architect and surveyor, to design and perform essential measurements. The design stage takes between two and four weeks, depending on your requirements. 

The design team will make efforts to focus on headroom, fire access, and accommodation needs. The team will give you different designs, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your needs. Make sure you submit your design to the planning and building control office for approval. 

– Planning


After submitting your design to the planning and building control office, you will have to communicate with the staff regularly to know when they will approve the design. Bear in mind that the time required for the approval vary from location to location in the UK. 

Make sure you do the proper planning, and the design adheres to the local rules and regulations. Otherwise, the control office will reject your design. That’s why we recommend reviewing your design thoroughly to streamline the process. 

– Building


Once the planning and control office approves your design, it is time to start the building process. The contractor you hire for your loft conversion project will begin with the roof and exterior work. 

Next, they will work on the internal roof and install the staircase for accessing the loft. After working on these areas, the team will focus on installing décor items and furnishings in the room. Bear in mind that there are different types of loft conversions. Each type requires a different time frame for completion. 

For instance, Velux loft conversions take between two and four weeks, dormer loft conversions take four to six weeks, hip to gable take between five to seven weeks, and mansard takes around seven to eight weeks. 

Final Words 

How long a loft conversion takes depends on the type of loft conversion, the design, the planning, and the number of items you want to place or install in the space. Hiring a professional contractor can streamline the entire project and give you peace of mind. 

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